Monika Alleweldt, born 1954 in Gießen, Dipl.-Agraringenieurin, since many years collaborator at the “Plan of Healing Biotopes”, lives and works since 2001 in Tamera, Portugal.
Since her early youth, her most ardent career wish has been to help people in need all over the world. As a young student, she undertakes a trip to Guatemala as part of her studies. The trip becomes a turning point in her life. She realizes that help alone does not change anything. Symptoms can be alleviated, but the cause of the suffering cannot be eliminated. So where to start? A serious illness forces her to return home early and leads to an existential decision. She completes her studies, leaves her professional career and sets out to find an answer that gives hope. She examines many paths, contacts different people and initiatives. Finally, she finds convincing answers in the work of Dieter Duhm. A cooperation begins that continues to this day.