Terra Nova: Global Revolution and the Healing of Love

Terra Nova: Global Revolution and the Healing of Love


by Dieter Duhm

Terra Nova is the essence of over forty years of work on the question of whether humanity and the Earth can be healed. It shows how a morphogenetic field of peace is organized from within, and to what forces it could connect in order to oppose the global forces of violence and so make possible a future without war.


We are living in apocalyptic times. We see everywhere the miracles of technology, the glossy urban facades and the wealth of the elite, but we also see the oppressed and starving poor, the shocking degradation of nature and a mechanistic culture of war run rampant and out of control.

We have no more urgent need than that of a positive perspective for the future of life on Earth.

So far, our efforts to solve these problems have gone almost entirely towards creating new systems of energy and food production, urban housing, or matters of organization, communication and economy. Only a few visionaries have included human psychology in this research and worked to create holistic, coherent solutions for both humanity and the Earth. One of them is the psychoanalyst Dieter Duhm, leader of the so-called “emancipation debate” during the ‘68 Student Movement in Germany. He writes:

The human being is the cause of his own failure because he disregarded some essential aspects of his own inner world. The inner world consists of the driving powers of his soul, his libidinous longings, his sexuality and animality, his spiritual powers, his hopes and fears, his entire potential of unrecognized and untapped energies.

Forty years after his bestseller Angst im Kapitalismus (Fear in Capitalism), the author presents us with a deep and thoroughly thought out concept that explains a future of peace could be initiated in the world – for all nations, peoples and the natural world. It starts where wars emerge anew every day: in people’s day-to-day coexistence.

Terra Nova is the result of a unique and pioneering work, drawing from more than forty years of research into the construction of functioning communities:

In order to explore the inner structures of a humane form of existence, we needed again and again to review and change the ways in which we coexisted… If one wants to know how humankind functions, one should learn how a group functions, for a group contains all the light and shadow sides of our human existence within it.

The book shows how the peace movement can be organized globally and with what forces it can connect in order to be stronger than the forces of destruction. Yes, it is possible! We can end war on Earth if we truly want it and work for it with all our strength and intelligence.

Zusätzliche Informationen

Gewicht 0.55 kg
Größe 21 × 14 × 1.5 cm

Dieter Duhm, born 1942 in Berlin. Art historian, psychoanalyst and sociologist with a doctorate. As a youth, he was involved for several years in the „Bread for the World“ campaign, and in 1967 became an activist in the German student movement. He combines the idea of political revolution with that of individual liberation and becomes known for his book „Angst im Kapitalismus“ (Fear in Capitalism). Trials for breach of the peace, amnesty by President Heinemann. Several years of work in the Marxist left, then forays into rural communes and alternative projects. Two years of psychoanalytic practice, which he wanted to combine with political content and translate into collective healing work. Three professorship offers, which he rejects. Several visits to the Austrian Friedrichshof followed, led by the artist Otto Mühl. There he had an ideological confrontation that led to a final separation. In 1976 he goes to a hermitage in Lower Bavaria for five months to reflect.

From spring 1978, development of the „Bauhütte“ project. In addition to pioneering ecological work, introduction of free sexuality, which leads to fierce slander in the German public. He develops the plan of the healing biotopes, a concrete strategy how a worldwide peace could be brought about.1990 Move to Lanzarote, where he increasingly follows his penchant for painting.

In 1995, together with his partner Sabine Lichtenfels and others, he founded the project „Tamera“, a center for concrete utopia and international peace work, with the goal of connecting global peace work with the building of new models of life and creating places where people live together with all fellow creatures in cooperation and mutual support. Establishment of the „political ashram“, the peace school of Tamera. Today he leads the department for Eros, Art and Healing in Tamera – and works together with Sabine Lichtenfels and others on the master plan of a planetary peace community.

Dieter Duhms Website
Dieter Duhm on Facebook

Voices about the book

„Who would be more predestined to write about love and peace than Dieter Duhm, whose wrestling with these two central themes of our lives I have followed and appreciated for four decades…it is full of devotion and unafraid of taboos…“
-Rüdiger Dahlke

„I wish that many people would engage with this book. It is an encourager of a very special kind. Even for many a politician or economist, it could give rise to a new way of looking at things and thus to a new way of acting. The world needs this message, on a small and large scale.“
-Gerd Soballa

„In this book, Dieter Duhm paints the vision of both the transition to a post-capitalist world and what it might look like thereafter. And he does so in a non-prescriptive way. (…) He dives deep into the assemblage point of our collective fears and displacements, the very bases of neoliberal capitalism.“
-Alnoor Ladha

„What is special about this book is that it charts a path for how deep peace can emerge both in human beings and on our planet, without turning a blind eye to current realities.“
-Christoph Dold