Voices about the book
“This book is important for everyone to read because it is provocative. It stirs up dust and moves thought patterns that are stuck in people’s heads. It is a blueprint for life and society that I have been following since I was 16 years old. High tech in war – Neanderthal in love – such chapters are simply true!”
—Lisa Fitz
Cabaret artist, actress and singer
“Dieses Buch ist so wahr, dass ich nichts hinzufügen kann. Ich danke für soviel Mut und wünsche, dass diese Gedanken zur sexuellen Befreiung verwirklicht werden.”
—Prof. Ernst Bornemann
Anthropologist, psychoanalyst, filmmaker and sex researcher
“Of all the books about partnership that have been so successful in recent years, none gets to the bottom of the questions of sexuality, Eros and love as honestly as this book by Dieter Duhm. His work on “Fear in Capitalism” has already opened my eyes, but now I have once again received a spiritual impetus that will continue to have an effect in me, as I am sure it will in many other readers, far beyond this day.”
—Robert Jungk
Publicist, journalist and futurologist