Madjana Geusen, born 1959 in Bonn. She writes: “In 1979, when I was 20 years old, in my search for meaning, I came across “Die Bauhütte” in Leuterstal, the first station of the project that Dieter Duhm had founded in 1978. I was thrilled and excited when I first stepped onto the ground of this future workshop. “The revolutionary of our time is the discoverer of the living” was one of the theses of the Bauhütte. It felt like a great dream – that I had finally landed there. Since 1982 I have been connected with the “Experiment for a Humane Earth”, which led to the founding of Tamera Healing Biotope 1 in Portugal in 1995. Since 1999 I have been working there as a permanent staff member.
Art is my “DO”, my path of strength, although I am not primarily a painter, but a performing artist and gallery owner. I feel connected to the idea of art as the creation from a world that is not subject to identification. There is a secret in it: a completely different way of looking at life. For example, in the medium of art we can open channels to layers and themes of life that otherwise remain unconscious and bite us in the soul from behind. This can happen with ease and joy of life if we work on new perspectives of life artistically at the same time. This is what our workshops and art courses are for.”