Sabine Lichtenfels, born in 1954 in Münster, Germany. From an early age she was deeply connected with questions of love. Jesus was her revolutionary role model. At 16, she dreamed of a village where all lovers would live together and no one would have to be abandoned. In 1978 she met Dieter Duhm and joined a three-year social research experiment initiated by him, in which the foundations for peaceful coexistence under real living conditions were to be found. The experiment was successful. Basic principles for building functioning communities could be formulated.
Sabine Lichtenfels focused her work more and more on reconciliation and truth between the sexes as the core area of a future culture of peace. She supported especially young people in their questions in the area of love, sexuality and community and became more and more an orientation.
Through her medial talent she was able to connect with early matriarchal times, as they must have existed on Malta, Crete and Nubia. In this way she also gained deep insights into indigenous cultures and early Christianity. She wrote her books Dreamstones and Temples of Love, published her thoughts in seminars and lectures. Her political work took her to many crisis and conflict areas. She was in the regions affected by civil war in the Colombian rainforest, in Palestinian refugee camps, in Israeli settlements always with the aim of softening the fronts and connecting people.
Shaken by the threat of war in Iran, she set out alone and without money in 2005 on a peace pilgrimage that lasted several months. Her journey led her on the first Grace Pilgrimage through Israel and Palestine. Other pilgrimages followed, some with several hundred participants.
Also in 2005 she was honored by a Swiss initiative as one of the “1000 Women for Peace”. Today she lives in Tamera, where she directs the Global School of Love and Terra Deva, the department for spiritual research.