And They Knew Each Other – E-Book

And They Knew Each Other – E-Book


by Sabine Lichtenfels and Dieter Duhm

This book is the essence of the authors’ life experience and more than 40 years of work on establishing a new human and social foundation for a future culture of peace. It contains maybe the deepest insights which can be given today about love, sexuality and partnership.

Profound, thought provoking and beautifully written, with far reaching positive implications for our well being as humans.

Diana Richardson



What would have happened if at that time in paradise Adam and Eve had been allowed to “know each other” instead of being punished and expelled for this wish? How different Genesis (the story of Creation) would have developed had it not started with the fall of man but with the love between man and woman?

This book circles around a new starting point for peace between the genders and from there proposes a new “genesis”. The authors do not take just a theoretical standpoint but draw on more than 40 years of life experience and work as founders and members of a radical community project. They offer a new, multi-faceted paradigm of the relationship between men and women. With this new paradigm they turn the switch in the primary settings within the social structures of our time.

We know from chaos theory and research in other scientific areas that very small changes in an equation can lead to totally different final results. This is also true in the human milieu. If the paradigm presented in this book start to be accepted by more and more people, the evolution of mankind can change direction to develop into a deeply humane human being, who is able to access huge creativity in order to build a totally peaceful society. There will be no more losers, no suppression of other peoples, no cruelty against animals, no sexual violence, no fear, no wars.

While this might sound like a nice fairy tale, it is in fact a real possibility.

The book is published at exactly the right time. The global war between the genders has reached a peak. The foundations of our societies are breaking. Our world has become leaderless and the consequences are hysteria, loss of orientation, blame and accusations of either secret or open violence.

It is right at this point where the book offers new information and patterns of interpretation. The authors do not aim to repair a broken system. They do not give advice as to how shattered relationships can be restored nor do they give manuals for a more satisfying sexual life. Instead they build, step by step, thought by thought, a new system.

They liberate the areas of love and sexuality from our capitalist thought system in which everything is reduced to the value of goods, degraded to a need must be satisfied. Instead they locate the core areas of our human existence in the universal and sacred matrix from which all life originates. They show that within this matrix life follows a different logic and ethics which humankind can start to learn again.

From this perspective the authors shed light into the different aspects of humanity’s love life: into the history of patriarchy, into the collective trauma, into the problem of our love relationships, into the phenomena of jealousy and fear of loss, into the relationship between mother and son, daughter and father. They do not analyse what exists but rather lead their readers towards healing. They write about a new female consciousness, about the affirmation of our wild sexual nature, about a global uprising which will ‘free love from the cross’. Tears of healing and insight will flow when men and women can recognize each other in the light cast by this book. A wave of relief will go around the planet as humankind regains a power which is stronger than violence. The way is free for a culture of partnership. From now on trust between humans and all fellow creatures is the ferment of life.

Dieter Duhm, born 1942 in Berlin. Art historian, psychoanalyst and sociologist with a doctorate. As a youth, he was involved for several years in the “Bread for the World” campaign, and in 1967 became an activist in the German student movement. He combines the idea of political revolution with that of individual liberation and becomes known for his book “Angst im Kapitalismus” (Fear in Capitalism). Trials for breach of the peace, amnesty by President Heinemann. Several years of work in the Marxist left, then forays into rural communes and alternative projects. Two years of psychoanalytic practice, which he wanted to combine with political content and translate into collective healing work. Three professorship offers, which he rejects. Several visits to the Austrian Friedrichshof followed, led by the artist Otto Mühl. There he had an ideological confrontation that led to a final separation. In 1976 he goes to a hermitage in Lower Bavaria for five months to reflect.

From spring 1978, development of the “Bauhütte” project. In addition to pioneering ecological work, introduction of free sexuality, which leads to fierce slander in the German public. He develops the plan of the healing biotopes, a concrete strategy how a worldwide peace could be brought about.1990 Move to Lanzarote, where he increasingly follows his penchant for painting.

In 1995, together with his partner Sabine Lichtenfels and others, he founded the project “Tamera”, a center for concrete utopia and international peace work, with the goal of connecting global peace work with the building of new models of life and creating places where people live together with all fellow creatures in cooperation and mutual support. Establishment of the “political ashram”, the peace school of Tamera. Today he leads the department for Eros, Art and Healing in Tamera – and works together with Sabine Lichtenfels and others on the master plan of a planetary peace community.

Dieter Duhms Website
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